
Vision / Mission

Department of Physiology is a fully fledged department, with the following number of faculty, 3 Professors, 2 Associate Professors, 2 Assistant Professors, 5 Tutors.

Physiology is the science of life. It is one of the Pre- clinical phase -1 sciences dealing with normal life phenomena of the human body.

It is the foundation upon which we build the knowledge of what life is, how to treat disease and how to cope with stress imposed upon our body by different environments.

It is an essential foundation for practice of medicine. Physiology and Medicine are an example of two way street and help to study physiological principles with clinical examples The emphasis on integrating molecular, cellular, organ, system and whole body functions is what distinguishes physiology from other life sciences.

Physiology helps students study the structure and functions which are inextricably linked and understand mechanisms governing different HOMEOSTATIC PROCESSES in the human body, From the basic unit of life to the complex behavior of whole system Physiology underpins our survival and is the key to improve our health

Physiology is an experimental science. It helps us to determine what goes wrong in disease, facilitating in development of new treatments & guidelines for maintaining human health.

Goals of physiology - To explain the physical & chemical factors that are responsible for the origin , development and progress of life..

Physiology is the mother of several biological sciences giving birth to disciplines of Biophysics and Neuroscience. Research in Physiology trains a new generation of physiologists to apply modern knowledge in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.

During the course students learn to recognize and apply the basic concepts that govern integrated body functions. It helps them synthesize ideas to make a connection between knowledge and real-world situations through innovative teaching methods and promote critical thinking and problem solving skills.

Students are trained to clinically examine on normal subjects which will help them understand the normal functioning of body & correlate with applied Physiology.

As per NMC CBME guidelines Department of Physiology is exposing the students to Early Clinical Exposure ( ECE) wherein Physiology is correlated with Medicine with real patients right from phase-1 We help students to practice Self Directed learning to gain confidence in the subject and to enhance conceptual learning.

We regularly conduct student seminars to assist them in Self Directed Learning. We encourage students to participate in National level Physiology quiz competitions in various medical colleges across India. We encourage students to attend undergraduate conferences, to participate in seminars, model making & sports and students have won prizes.

Every year students attend “OSMECON” at Osmania Medical college Hyderabad & they have participated in symposiums & won prizes. Role play is given importance in CBME curriculum; we conduct role play sessions to help the students to understand the subject better. Quiz programmes – conducted regularly on different topics of Physiology to prepare the students for viva- voce, to enhance self confidence and to build up competitive attitude. Vertical integrated teaching with all clinical departments and Horizontal integrated teaching with Anatomy and Biochemistry Departments is conducted with student participation . Regularly students are selected for ICMR projects Dedicated faculty in the department help students to bring out the best in them and to become competent updated professional with humanitarian approach for the up liftment of society both in India and abroad.


  • Hematology laboratory: a spacious hall with 75 student microscopes and one projecting microscope, accommodating 75 students at a time.
  • Human clinical laboratory: spacious lab well equipped with modern facilities accommodating 70 students at a time.
  • Departmental library: with 111 books with good ambience.
  • Demonstration rooms: department has 2 demonstration rooms with good audio-visual aids like computer with LCD projector, OHP, black and white boards with capacity of 50 students at a time.
  • A well established Central Research laboratory
  • A well equipped Central skilled lab.
  • A spacious Central library with 13633 Books.


Experienced and enthusiastic faculties for each and every subject recruited from reputed colleges, universities and well known educational institutions.
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