

Department of Microbiology in Malla Reddy Medical College for Women is having 3 Professors, 1 Associate. Professor, 2 Assistant Professors, 6 Tutors.

The Department of Microbiology is committed to nurturing Academic Environment and provides upgraded Microbiology Diagnostic facilities& NABL accredited Molecular and Serology laboratories. The Lab is equipped with the latest technology powered by well-trained and experienced team The Department draws well planned Teaching schedules with lectures, demonstrations, tutorials, seminars, Practicals and CMEs as per Revised competency Based NMC Curriculum with time and date &teaching faculty name on the particular day. The students have to follow daily schedule of hospital postings in the morning hours and theory classes in the afternoon.

College Facilities

Demonstration rooms: 2 rooms with audio visual equipment. Practical laboratory: organized, ventilated, and accommodates more than 75 students. Has all facilities and equipped according to the NMC standards. Department library cum Seminar room: Separate, Size and capacity according to NMC Standards, has 110 books in Microbiology and allied subjects and subscription for National and international journals. Office accommodation: for faculty and non-teaching and clerical staff. Research laboratory: well equipped for the research activities of faculty. Museum : is very well organized provides accommodation for students as per NMC standards.


  • Implementing Competency Based Medical Education (CBME) in accordance with letter and spirit of MCI 2019.
  • Involvement of the students in various interactive teaching sessions like small group discussions, Problem based learning, student seminars, quiz programs and vertical and horizontal integrated teaching programs.
  • Providing guidance for ICMR student research projects, and encouraging them to participate in collaborations in multi-center projects.
  • Guiding the students for elective sessions.
  • Encouraging the students to participate in various extracurricular activities and inter-college competitions.
    Service laboratories: The Diagnostic Microbiology lab is fully functional with the following separate laboratories
  • Bacteriology: The bacteriology lab consists of exudates, urine, blood, stool and anaerobic sections.
  • Immunology & Serology
  • Virology
  • Tuberculosis
  • Parasitology
  • Mycology
  • Molecular diagnostic Lab


The Department recognizes the control of hospital associated infections (HAI) as an important issue and is committed to fulfilling its responsibility by ensuring that proper safeguards are instituted to identify and prevent Hospital Acquired Infections. Infection Control includes the prevention and management of infections through application of research based knowledge to practices including standard precautions, decontamination, waste management, surveillance and audit. The Hospital Infection Control Committee (HICC), chaired by Head of the Department, looks after the infection control needs of the hospital.

The Main Purpose of the Committee Is

  • To maintain standards in infection control measures, and minimize hospital acquired infections in patients and staff
  • To define policy and procedures regarding surveillance of nosocomial infections at MRMCW Hospital
  • To frame antibiotic policy and monitor its adherence by the prescribing authorities


Experienced and enthusiastic faculties for each and every subject recruited from reputed colleges, universities and well known educational institutions.
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