

Biochemistry is a rapidly expanding branch of science, combining the core areas of biology and chemistry. This field plays a huge role in the development of novel new scientific approaches. In short, Medical science cannot really exist without biochemistry. Understandably, Medical biochemistry is taught in the first year of Medicine to comprehend the molecular mechanisms in health and disease.

The department of Biochemistry here at Malla Reddy Medical College for Women is staffed more than adequately with 1 Professor, 3 Associate professors & 3 Assistant Professors. We have passionate, disciplined and dedicated faculty. Infrastructure is commensurate for the annual intake of 200+ medical students. We have a students laboratory with 72 students capacity and 2 demo rooms. The departmental library has 145 textbooks and exclusive National & International journals. The central laboratory for the patient samples is well equipped with automated analyzers and also has back up equipment. The laboratory was designed and armed to support the clinical fraternity in this era of evidence-based medicine.

Vision / Mission

Our vision in the department of Biochemistry at Malla Reddy Medical College for Women is to empower young women with the knowledge of clinical biochemistry, analytical thinking, discipline, empathy and practical skills.

Our mission is to achieve and maintain excellence in the field of medical biochemistry using innovative teaching methods by dedicated faculty


  1. BIOCHEMISTRY LAB: A spacious well equipped lab with procedure stations for conducting various experiments accommodating 72 students at a time. In addition to the procedure stations, we have about 40 posters related to different metabolic pathways, biochemical disorders.
  2. DEPARTMENT LIBRARY: An ambient library with 145 latest edition books of national and international authors along with various national and international journals.
  3. DEMONSTRATION ROOMS: Department has 2 demonstration rooms with well equipped audio-visual aids - Computer systems with LCD projectors, OHP readers, black and white boards which can accommodate 75 students and 25 students at a time respectively. There is an additional demonstration room in the student laboratory with a 20 seating capacity.


Experienced and enthusiastic faculties for each and every subject recruited from reputed colleges, universities and well known educational institutions.
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